With summer officially over, many homeowners assume that their work outdoors and in the garden is finished. But keeping your landscaping and garden looking great all year-round requires a bit of effort every season. Here’s what you should be doing in the fall:
• Apply a winter fertilizer to your lawn to prepare it for the dormant winter season
• Continue mowing your lawn as late as you can; this helps to feed the worms under the grass, who in turn keep your grass fed and healthy
• Turn piles of leaves into compost for use next year
• Put a plastic sheet or a layer of sticks under your compost pile to allow for aeration
• Prepare potted plants for bringing indoors once the frost starts • Clean garden tools thoroughly before storing for the winter
• Clean your lawn mower and make sure you empty any gas or fuel from it before storing it for the season
• Organize your garage to make the beginning of next year’s gardening season easier
• Remove any plants that were diseased over the season and discard of them – don’t compost them to prevent spreading diseases
• Cut back your perennials after they’ve been killed by frost
• Prune dead or diseased branches from trees and shrubs; prune any branches from trees that are split or broken, as these are more likely to become diseased next year
• Apply mulch to your garden to help insulate plants in the colder months
• Plant trees and shrubs before mid-October to give them time to establish roots
• Plant spring-flowering bulbs
• Drain any permanent water features or systems like irrigation systems, pools and ponds
• Put away outdoor furniture and any decorations that could be damaged by the cold
At Kerr & Kerr Landscaping in Cambridge, we are proud to offer landscaping and property maintenance services year-round. Find out how we can help keep your property and landscaping looking great!